作者:佚名 来源于:家长学院
I was working at a booth at the Los Angeles Home and Garden Show.Next to me was a woman demonstrating a shower saver. As she was telling a passer-by the qualities of the device, she mentioned that it saved 25000 gallons of water a year. The man stood as if deep in thought. Finally, the woman asked if he had any questions."No," he replied. "I am just trying to figure out where I'll store all the water."我在洛杉矶一家卖家庭和花园用具的摊棚工作。 我隔壁摊位的女士说卖沐浴节水器的,当她向一位过路人推销淋浴电器时,她提到了这个节水器每年可省下2.5万加仑的水。那位过路人站在那里好像深思什么。最后,摊主问他有什么问题没有。“没有”,他说:“我只是在想我把这些节省下来的水储存到哪儿去呢?”