作者:佚名 来源于:家长学院
A woman was singing. One of the guest criticized the singer to the man beside him. "What a terrible voice." He said. "Do you know who she is?" "Yes." the man beside him answered. "She is my wife." "Oh, I'm sorry." he said. "Of course her voice is not bad, but the song is too bad. I wonder who wrote that awful song." "I did." said the man. 台上一个女士正在放声高歌,台下的一个听众跟他旁边的一个男人抱怨说,“这是什么嗓子啊?你知道她是谁吗?”那个男人回答,“她是我老婆。” “哦,抱歉,抱歉,我的意思是说她嗓子不差,就是曲子太难听了。我真是想不到谁会写出这么难听的曲子呢?” 那个男人回答,“是我写的!”