作者:佚名 来源于:家长学院
Fire!This is a true story. In England there was a high officialwho hired a servant to attend to him. In those days,only people who had power and wealth could smoke.The rest did not even know what tobacco was.The servant came for the first time and saw the officialsitting by the stove smoking. This servant was fromthe countryside and had never seen anyone smoking before.When he saw smoke coming out from his master'snose and mouth , he thought that there was a fire.He was about to serve his master some tea butwhen he saw the situation, he poured the tea uphis master's nose , and cried out aloud, "Fire! Fire! Fire!"「救火啊!」这是真的故事,在英国有一个当大官的,他请了一个佣人来侍候他。在那个时候,只有比较有权力、有钱的人才能够抽烟,别人都不知道烟是什么。佣人第一次来,看到他坐在火炉旁边抽烟;那个佣人是从乡下来的,从来没有看过人抽烟;当他看见烟从主人的鼻子和嘴巴跑出来,他认为是火烧了,他刚好要端茶给主人喝,看到他这个样子,就把茶倒进他鼻孔里面去,还在那边呼唤:「救火啊!救火啊!救火啊!」,对啊!真的好无聊,机器才会冒烟,人怎么会冒烟呢?是不是?